Friday, October 10, 2008

Long night

Today I am tired.
Haley woke up at 3:30 and said she had a bad dream. Usually when that happens, I either sleep in the floor in her room or I go to the spare bedroom and she sleeps with me. Well, last night we went to the spare bedroom. Which isn't totally a bad thing, except she's a bed hog! Shortly after she had fallen back to sleep, I was on my side facing away from her and she was under my back. I couldn't move. Couldn't roll over. Couldn't move anywhere. So of course I have to move her to be able to sleep because I can't sleep with someone under my back. So in the middle of the night I have moved beds, leaving my perfectly warm spot in my own bed, and now have a 3 year old sleeping with her body under my back-not to mention she talks in her sleep.
So, I am tired.
What a blessing to be able to stay home and feel tired. No errands, no appointments. Nothing. Just me and Haley. Feeling tired. Naptime may come early today....

1 comment:

Kendra said...

that sounds just like Brenna! She doesn't share a bed well... and if she's not hogging, she's kicking. good memory. Thanks for sharing.